“It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” - Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Monday 23 April 2012

Oh the Joys of Money

Money, money, money.....oh the joys of money. In order to start "livin' the dream" every chick needs money. The trick is how to find said money. A trick at which I am still trying to figure out.

I know I shouldn't complain to much, I do have a great job. The problem is that it's only a job. I'm at the top if I stay in this job, all I can ever be is what I am. And well for the ambitious me this just doesn't cut it. I wanna be more!! I wanna have a carrier. Something that ables me to grow and become more.....like a boss, or an owner! Yes!

I have applied for a few different positions, with no response. This must mean that something better for me is heading my way, right?? But in the mean time, I need to make more money. So, short of finding a sugar daddy, or pimping out my husband (this, however, may solve 2 of my issues), how do I make more money??

I could start my own online promotional advertising company. It's always been a passion of mine. I love promotions. I love planning them, running them, hosting them making stuff for them, all of the above for them! Could be that I'm bossy and enjoy getting my way, or that I love the creative experience and the joy of parties! Who doesn't love a good party?! The only problem with this plan is I don't have any experience in this nor any advertising schooling/background. I feel that this is only a minor problem. Who needs experience to start their own company? All you need is the passion, a little determination and a who lot of elbow grease. Right? Please say that I'm right! But this little adventure will still cost money to startup, $10,000 big ones to be exact.

So, back to square 1. How to make extra money? Maybe it would be good to know where all our money is going to. I've signed up with a site called mint.com. It's a great site that tracks of all the money through online banking. It will alert you to high spending trends and low bank accounts. And short of yelling out "stop shopping, you're dumb ass is broke! ", it is a great way to visualize where your money is going to. But as I sit here, on my third glass of wine (remember we decided that giving up wine was bad for my health), I can't for the life of me decided where we can cut more money from. I could stop feeding the kids, that would decrease the food and the clothing budget. But then there would be the social services issues that would just not be good. That means the only option is to make more money.....sigh.

It's kinda like a big torturous circle. You need money to make money and you need to make money to have money. This makes my head hurt....but that might also be the wine.

So, all of this leads me to one thing...get a better job! I guess it's time to spruce up my resume and get my name out there. Wish me luck!


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